Informational Videos
Dr. Maull Presents Bite Wafer
Faye from Dr. Maull's office shows you how to properly use a Bite Wafer to help fit your clear retainer on to your teeth. If you have more questions about how to properly use your Bite Wafer please feel free to give our office a call or stop by and see us!
Dr. Maull Presents Gishy Goo
Do your Braces hurt and poke the inside of your mouth? Gishy Goo is the new alternative to wax that is easy to use, fun, and colorful! With just a small squeeze out of each tube and 10 seconds of mixing to activate the Gishy Goo you are ready to place it on your bracket or wire in 2 minutes it will harden in your mouth and relieve the irritation! Gishy Goo comes in tooth colored, red, yellow, blue, and green, so ask Dr Maull about it today!